Hi there,
I'm Johnson.

Yes, that's my first name. There's less than 5,000 of us!

Datin Dash

Datin Dash is a full-stack MERN application aimed to track a dater's dates over time. It aims to be the single-source-of-truth for a modern, mobile dater. Users can add matches, which app they matched from, and keep vital information in notes. It's always awkward to forget what someone's job is when you're talking to them. Now there's no excuse.
Live | Source

Event Booker

Event Booker is a React application with a Node-GraphQL backend. Users can create and book events, while also being allowed to view a list of events while not logged-in. This was an experiment in learning GraphQL as well as playing with React.
Live | Source

Portfolio Website

Is it weird if I list the site you're looking at as a project? This site was built with Gatsby, using a fantastic starter. It was an experiment in learning Gatsby and GraphQL, while also trying to build something nice to look at.

Contact Links

About Me

Johnson VoJohnson Vo

Johnson Vo

Sales Engineer

Frequently Asked Questions

I studied architecture and city planning at UC Berkeley, where I learned intentional design and proper research. I got interested in programming from a city planning course, which then turned into my attending General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive.
My first foray in sales taught me about customer relationships. My second foray taught me the power of CRM, asking good questions during discovery, and preparedness in demos.
General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive taught us RESTful APIs, programmatic thinking, and working under deadlines. We learned JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, NoSQL, and SQL. We used Node, Express, and MongoDB as our tools.
I love that SEs program but are also client-facing. I feel that my best quality is interfacing with prospects and uncovering their needs, while also trying to find the best solution for them.
It is! There are less than 5,000 Johnsons alive today. I wish I could take credit for the name, but I think my dad wanted to keep a specifically British tradition in my non-British family.